

Automatically set HTTP cache headers and save full responses in a cache.

Production apps often rely on caching for scalability.

A single GraphQL request consists of running many different resolvers, each of which can have different caching semantics. Some fields may be uncacheable. Some fields may be cacheable for a few seconds, and others for a few hours. Some fields may have values that are the same for all users of your app, and other fields may vary based on the current session.

Apollo Server provides a mechanism for server authors to declare fine-grained cache control parameters on individual GraphQL types and fields, both statically inside your schema using the @cacheControl directive and dynamically within your resolvers using the info.cacheControl.setCacheHint API.

For each request, Apollo Server combines all the cache hints from all the queried fields and uses it to power several caching features. These features include HTTP caching headers for CDNs and browsers, and a GraphQL full response cache.

Defining cache hints

You can define cache hints statically in your schema and dynamically in your resolvers.

Important note on compatibility: Setting cache hints is currently incompatible with the graphql-tools implementation of schema stitching, because cache hints are not appropriately communicated from one service to the other.

Adding cache hints statically in your schema

The easiest way to add cache hints is directly in your schema using the @cacheControl directive. Apollo Server automatically adds the definition of the @cacheControl directive to your schema when you create a new ApolloServer object with typeDefs and resolvers. Hints look like this:

type Post @cacheControl(maxAge: 240) {
  id: Int!
  title: String
  author: Author
  votes: Int @cacheControl(maxAge: 30)
  comments: [Comment]
  readByCurrentUser: Boolean! @cacheControl(scope: PRIVATE)

type Comment @cacheControl(maxAge: 1000) {
  post: Post!

type Query {
  latestPost: Post @cacheControl(maxAge: 10)

You can apply @cacheControl to an individual field or to a type.

Hints on a field describe the cache policy for that field itself; for example, Post.votes can be cached for 30 seconds.

Hints on a type apply to all fields that return objects of that type (possibly wrapped in lists and non-null specifiers). For example, the hint @cacheControl(maxAge: 240) on Post applies to the field Comment.post, and the hint @cacheControl(maxAge:1000) on Comment applies to the field Post.comments.

Hints on fields override hints specified on the target type. For example, the hint @cacheControl(maxAge: 10) on Query.latestPost takes precedence over the hint @cacheControl(maxAge: 240) on Post.

See below for the semantics of fields which don't have maxAge set on them (statically or dynamically).

@cacheControl can specify maxAge (in seconds, like in an HTTP Cache-Control header) and scope, which can be PUBLIC (the default) or PRIVATE.

Adding cache hints dynamically in your resolvers

If you won't know if a field is cacheable until you've actually resolved it, you can use the dynamic API to set hints in your resolvers:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    post: (_, { id }, _, info) => {
      info.cacheControl.setCacheHint({ maxAge: 60, scope: 'PRIVATE' });
      return find(posts, { id });

If you're using TypeScript, you need the following to teach TypeScript that the GraphQL info object has a cacheControl field:

import 'apollo-cache-control';

Setting a default maxAge

By default, root fields (ie, fields on Query and Mutation) and fields returning object and interface types are considered to have a maxAge of 0 (ie, uncacheable) if they don't have a static or dynamic cache hint. (Non-root scalar fields inherit their cacheability from their parent, so that in the common case of an object type with a bunch of strings and numbers which all have the same cacheability, you just need to declare the hint on the object type.)

The power of cache hints comes from being able to set them precisely to different values on different types and fields based on your understanding of your implementation's semantics. But when getting started with the cache control API, you might just want to apply the same maxAge to most of your resolvers.

You can achieve this by specifying a default max age when you create your ApolloServer. This max age will be used instead of 0 for root, object, and interface fields which don't explicitly set maxAge via schema hints (including schema hints on the type that they return) or the dynamic API. You can override this for a particular resolver or type by setting @cacheControl(maxAge: 0). For example:

const server = new ApolloServer({
  // ...
  cacheControl: {
    defaultMaxAge: 5,

The overall cache policy

Apollo Server's cache API lets you declare fine-grained cache hints on specific resolvers. Apollo Server then combines these hints into an overall cache policy for the response. The maxAge of this policy is the minimum maxAge across all fields in your request. As described above, the default maxAge of all root fields and non-scalar fields is 0, so the overall cache policy for a response will have maxAge 0 (ie, uncacheable) unless all root and non-scalar fields in the response have cache hints (or if defaultMaxAge is specified).

If the overall cache policy has a non-zero maxAge, its scope is PRIVATE if any hints have scope PRIVATE, and PUBLIC otherwise.

Serving HTTP cache headers

For any response whose overall cache policy has a non-zero maxAge, Apollo Server will automatically set the Cache-Control HTTP response header to an appropriate value describing the maxAge and scope, such as Cache-Control: max-age=60, private. If you run your Apollo Server instance behind a CDN or other caching proxy, it can use this header's value to know how to cache your GraphQL responses.

As many CDNs and caching proxies only cache GET requests (not POST requests) and may have a limit on the size of a GET URL, you may find it helpful to use automatic persisted queries, especially with the useGETForHashedQueries option to apollo-link-persisted-queries.

If you don't want to set HTTP cache headers, pass cacheControl: {calculateHttpHeaders: false} to new ApolloServer().

Saving full responses to a cache

Apollo Server lets you save cacheable responses to a Redis, Memcached, or in-process cache. Cached responses respect the maxAge cache hint.

To use the response cache, you need to install its plugin when you create your ApolloServer:

import responseCachePlugin from 'apollo-server-plugin-response-cache';
const server = new ApolloServer({
  // ...
  plugins: [responseCachePlugin()],

By default, the response cache plugin will use the same cache used by other Apollo Server features, which defaults to an in-memory LRU cache. When running multiple server instances, you’ll want to use a shared cache backend such as Memcached or Redis instead. See the data sources documentation for details on how to customize Apollo Server's cache. If you want to use a different cache backed for the response cache than for other Apollo Server caching features, just pass a KeyValueCache as the cache option to the responseCachePlugin function.

If you have data whose response should be cached separately for different users, set @cacheControl(scope: PRIVATE) hints on the data, and teach the cache control plugin how to tell your users apart by defining a sessionId hook:

import responseCachePlugin from 'apollo-server-plugin-response-cache';
const server = new ApolloServer({
  // ...
  plugins: [responseCachePlugin({
    sessionId: (requestContext) => (requestContext.request.http.headers.get('sessionid') || null),

Responses whose overall cache policy scope is PRIVATE are shared only among sessions with the same session ID. Private responses are not cached if the sessionId hook is not defined or returns null.

Responses whose overall cache policy scope is PUBLIC are shared separately among all sessions with sessionId null and among all sessions with non-null sessionId. Caching these separately allows you to have different caches for all logged-in users vs all logged-out users, if there is easily cacheable data that should only be visible to logged-in users.

Responses containing GraphQL errors or no data are never cached.

The plugin allows you to define a few more hooks to affect cache behavior for a specific request. All hooks take in a GraphQLRequestContext.

  • extraCacheKeyData: this hook can return any JSON-stringifiable object which is added to the cache key. For example, if your API includes translatable text, this hook can return a string derived from requestContext.request.http.headers.get('Accept-Language').
  • shouldReadFromCache: if this hook returns false, the plugin will not read responses from the cache.
  • shouldWriteToCache: if this hook returns false, the plugin will not write responses to the cache.

In addition to the Cache-Control HTTP header, the response cache plugin will also set the Age HTTP header to the number of seconds the value has been sitting in the cache.

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